Lubron Are Commited To Achieving Net Zero

Our Journey To Net Zero

We are proud to share that we are now working closely with Positive Planet to understand and reduce our carbon emissions. As a business, Lubron has the goal of being one of the most sustainable businesses in our industry. We firmly believe it is possible to meet the needs of the business without compromising on our environmental impact.

We have been working hard behind the scenes for many years to reduce our carbon footprint.

Electrification of our vehicle fleet started back in 2017 with our first PHEV, and our first all electric vehicle in 2019. Now 12% of our fleet is fully electric and this will increase to 24% by the end of the year, and a further 20% is now PHEV.

You can see our how our Carbon Reduction plan is progressing on our live dashboard here :-

In conjuction with Positive planet and in accordance to PPN 06/21, we have published our current Carbon Reduction Plan here:

Our near-term targets:

  • Reduce scope 1 and 2 emissions by 42% by 2030 and zero by 2035.
  • To procure 100% renewable electricity by 2035.
  • Reduce Scope 3 emissions by 21% by 2030 and 42% by 2035.
  • Measure all scope 3 categories by 2028.

Our long-term targets:

  • Reduce our total market-based emissions (scope 1, 2 and 3) by at least 90% by 2045
  • Neutralise any residual emissions using verified carbon offsets.