In May 2013, we provided water solutions for the new hospital in Leidsche Rijn for the Central Sterile Supply Department (CSSD) and the Laboratory (LAB).
The CSA is a duplex SRHF softener built with a capacity of 15 m3/h. A requirement for the installation was that it has two residual hardness levels: one at 3 0Dh and another <0.1 0Dh.
For the production of the required demineralised water, Lubron has also developed a reverse osmosis plant. The plant produces 2.0 m3/h demineralized water and has a conductivity level of less than 10µ/cm.
For the laboratory there were also other demands on the water quality from the client. The delivered water softening duplex had to have a capacity of 2.5 m³/h and a hardness level of less than 0.1 0Dh. The required demineralised water is produced by a Osmostar system, which provides 1.5 m³/h demineralised water and has a conductivity of less than 10µs/cm.
Both systems have been delivered, installed and put into operation.
For more information, please contact us. We are happy to help.